Friday, June 14, 2013

Differing Approaches to Challenge and Progression in Rez and Child of Eden

Originally released on the Sega Dreamcast and PlayStation 2 in 2001, Rez (United Game Artists, 2001) is a cyberpunk rail-shooter with an aesthetic heavily influenced by films like Tron (1982), Hackers (1995) and a variety of cyberpunk literature. The game’s soundtrack features a dynamic techno song for each level, to which the player’s actions add additional layers. In terms of Hunicke, LeBlanc, and Zubek’s “aesthetics of play,” Rez and its spiritual successor Child of Eden (Q Entertainment, 2011) operate primarily on the “aesthetics” of challenge and sensation (Hunicke et. all, 2).  They provide the arcade-y challenge of a rail-shooter while inviting the player to sit back and enjoy the raw sensory information of pulsing music, vibrant colors, and the rumble of the controller in his hand. This article seeks to explore the differing ways that these games approach progression during a first playthrough and how these approaches affect challenge and player tutorialization. Since these games are so similar and come from the same developer, they will provide a useful tool for understanding how a slight difference in the way progression is handled can adversely affect the game as a whole. For the purposes of this article, all references to Rez refer to the Xbox Life Arcade rerelease: Rez HD (Q Entertainment, HexaDrive, 2008), as it is the easiest version to acquire. 

For the purposes of this article we ought to define “progression” as a quantifiable movement towards the end of the work. In a film, this might just mean that after ten minutes of watching, the viewer is ten minutes closer to the credits. But since both Rez and Child of Eden have fail-states which force the player to restart a level, we must understand that progress only occurs when certain conditions are met within play. Since both games are rail shooters, forward movement within the level proceeds at the pace the developer sets, the player’s role is to shoot down incoming projectiles and shoot as many enemies as they are able. Progress within the level is undone by player death. We might term any progress which can be undone through a failstate as micro-progress, any progress which cannot be undone through a fail state as macro-progress. [Note: Because I am attempting to use a quantifiable standard for progress, neither of these models account for increase of player skill as a form of progress, as that would be beyond the scope of this paper.] Completing a level in either game is the method by which the player can make macro-progress in either game. And while micro-progress is treated almost identically in both games, Rez and Child of Eden treat macro-progress in markedly different ways. 

A first playthrough of Rez operates on a semi-linear, multi-layered progression path. What this means is that there a linear order to the levels but multiple objectives must be completed to finish the game. On a first playthrough, new levels are unlocked by completing the preceding level. Level 1 is of course available from the start, completing it unlocks level 2, and completing level 2 unlocks level 3. Once a level is unlocked, the player may replay it if they want in order to gain more health or complete another objective. This is the pseudo-linear element described above. The multi-layered element is that the final level, Area 5, is not unlocked by completing Area 4. Rather, it is unlocked by completing all of the four preceding levels with a 100% “Analysis Rating.” Progress within each level is made possible by shooting special “transition blocks” along the way, hitting one of the blocks on the first try results in a 10% increase in Analysis and progression within the level. Failure to hit the target results in a loop until it is hit. Since the Analysis requirement is built into how the level itself progresses, the 100% Analysis requirement will often result in the first time player having to repeat only one or two of the initial four levels because there is a high chance they already got “100% Analysis” on at least one level without actively trying to do so. 

This repetition acts as a delayed tutorialization, where the designer introduces an additional function to a mechanic which has become familiar. This also requires the player to improve their skills in a way that will be important for Area 5, where failure to shoot the transition block causes the player to take damage. The new requirement thus works into building the game’s difficulty curve. Originally the player only had to survive Area 3 and unlocked Area 4 but now has to both survive Area 3 and prioritize shooting the transition blocks in order to unlock Area 5. The addition of a new and clearly explained challenge requires more of the player than was previously necessary, but in a way that is manageable and useful for tutorialization. Lastly, multi-layered progression rewards skilled play. In theory, a skilled player can unlock all four initial levels and achieve 100% Analysis on a first attempt. This allows skilled players to bypass needless repetition and progress through the game in accordance with their skill. 

By contrast, one can define Child of Eden’s progression path as non-linear and single-layered progression path. Whereas Rez’s levels are unlocked via a 1 to 1 progression, Eden’s levels unlock by accruing the necessary amount of “stars.” The player gets stars at the end of the level and is awarded 1-5 stars based on their score which is based on the percentage of targets hit, power-ups picked up, and points from combos. Level 2 requires 2 stars to unlock, level 3 requires 8 stars, and so on. (Note: I cannot find a source that will break down the number of stars needed per level, and after a first playthrough, the level selection screen does not show how many stars were needed to unlock the level). In theory this system is designed to reward skillful play by allowing the player to unlock each level without repetition if they get 4-5 stars on every level. The obvious problem with this is that if the player fails to get 4-5 stars per level, they must replay old levels to add more stars to their total. The requirement that the player continually replay already beaten areas results in a sort of “calculus of time for benefit,” whereby the player will naturally gravitate towards replaying the shortest and easiest level in order to gain more stars faster. Additionally, the score that the player receives is hidden from them, meaning that the player does not know how well they did until the end of the level. While real-time scoring mechanics can be problematic in games like Hitman: Absolution or Deus Ex: Human Revolution, in an arcade style game like Child of Eden, the calculus of knowing the value of each action is not just helpful but necessary when the player is being judged based on score. The problem with this system is that the player is being punished without knowing how to improve. In essence he is being told to improve but not how to improve. Rez asks the player to improve by requiring they prioritize certain targets, while leaving considerations of point totals for future playthroughs and “Score Attack” mode. By contrast, Child of Eden’s use of scoring as its primary judge of progression makes improvement into a myriad of unclear actions rather than something simple (maybe the player needs to get more power-ups, or prioritize enemies with higher point values or perform more “perfect” combos). 

In point of fact, the implementation of the score system in Child of Eden is counter to the function of a score system for this type of game. One might argue that the purpose of a score system in an arcade-style, challenge focused game is to communicate to the player the difference between skilled play and the baseline play needed for progression. Take the scoring mechanic of Pac-Man as an example. In Pac-Man, the player progresses from level 1 to level 2 by eating all the dots—i.e. an easily communicable baseline actions. Extra points can be acquired by eating the cherries or strategically leading the ghosts into traps and devouring them. The extra points allow the player to earn extra lives, which help progression but are not required for it. Sub-baseline play is gauged and punished within the game’s rules through death and loss of lives. Death communicates what the player should do in order to achieve the baseline for progression: avoid the ghosts. Meanwhile, the score system defines and communicates above baseline (i.e. skillful) play—eating bonuses, ghosts, pellets while still not dying. The score system is also visible during play, allowing the player to gauge how far above baseline they are playing. The problem in Child of Eden is that above baseline play is critical to timely progression through the game, yet the only metric the game gives the player for what contributes to above baseline play is hidden, making conscious improvement difficult. 

The sad fact is that Child of Eden’s star mechanic has a very simple purpose: it exists to slow player progression and increase the game’s length. If Child of Eden measured progress like its predecessor, it would only be about a one hour long game. The star system could have been tied to bonus features instead of baseline progression, but marketing wisdom says that players want longer games, so instead of being one hour long like its predecessor, Child of Eden is three hours long for an equal amount of content. It is true that a game that uses challenge as one of its core aesthetics ought to tie challenge and progression together, and the most skilled of skilled players might finish Child in one hour. But difficulty is not inherently the same as challenge. Macro-progression ought to be closely tied with the requirements of micro-progression. When macro-progress diverges from successful micro-progress, as it does in Rez for Area 5, the game must communicate what is required of the player in order to continue progressing. A challenge based game, needs to increment through additional clearly communicated challenges, not through repeated demonstration of old skills.


HexaDrive. Q Entertainment. RezHD. Microsoft Game Studios. 2006. Xbox 360.

Hunicke, Robin. LeBlanc, Marc. Zubek, Robert. “MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research.” 2004.

 Portnow, James. "Extra Credits: Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics." Youtube. Penny Arcade. 1 Nov. 2012. Web. 14 June, 2013.

Q Entertainment. Child of Eden. Ubisoft. 2011. Xbox 360

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